====== Fixing Kubuntu Annoyances ====== Things to do after installing Kubuntu 20.04 LTS = getting it to work to my preferences (a person who has been with XFCE for 10+ years). ===== To-Do List ===== ==== Keyboard issues ==== === Key repeating === Keyboard key repeating is .. wonky. There is a distinct difference between terminal, GTK+ and KDE applications vs. XFCE, where its applied globally. KDE settings claim its "global", but IRL, at least on Kubuntu, it is **NOT**. * Environment: I am using keyboards with either [[https://deskthority.net/wiki/Cherry_MX_Blue|Cherry MX blue]], or [[https://deskthority.net/wiki/Kailh_PG1511_series|Kailh Blue]] switches * Pitfalls * it does **NOT work automatically AND also NOT globally** = you have to log out and login all the time if you want to see any changes .. tsk! *facepalm* * Measurements taken so far * Took a glance into the original XFCE config files for keyboard - settings are: Delay = 280, Repeat = 65 * Tried to emulate this on KDE - seems to semi-work for now (delay: 300, repeat: 45; sadly its max repeat is set to 50) * Terminal & GTK+: ''[[https://www.computerhope.com/unix/uxset.htm|xset]] r 250 60'' * Status: partially done (see above)