//Metal and (Hard) Rock Streams on Twitch and elsewhere ;).// :!: Note: For now this is going to be a one-page overview, but might be expanded or re-arranged in the future. ^Show / DJ Name^Stream / Site URL^Weekday^Local times^Times in UTC^Description^ |[[https://facebook.com/blackndeather|Black'N'Deather]]|https://twitch.tv/ginsterbusch \\ [[https://www.metaldevastationradio.com|www.metaldevastationradio.com]]|Sunday|4 - 9 pm EST|20:00 - 01:00|Primary Focus: Extreme Metal, specifically: Black / Atmospheric Black / Viking / Pagan, but also others.| |bl8nkp8ge|https://twitch.tv/bl8nkp8ge||||| |dutchrocker|https://twitch.tv/dutchrocker|||||